Is it possible to run multiple AsyncTask in same time?

use executor as follows

    new Save_data().executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, location);
} else {
    new Save_data().execute(location);

See this

Yes, it is, but since Honeycomb, there's a change in the way AsyncTask is handled on Android. From HC+ they are executed sequentially, instead of being fired in parallel, as it used to be. Solution for this is to run AsyncTask using THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR executor explicitely. You can create helper class for that:

public class AsyncTaskTools {
    public static <P, T extends AsyncTask<P, ?, ?>> void execute(T task) {
        execute(task, (P[]) null);
    public static <P, T extends AsyncTask<P, ?, ?>> void execute(T task, P... params) {
            task.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, params);
        } else {

and then you can simply call:

AsyncTaskTools.execute( new MyAsyncTask() );

or with params (however I rather suggest passign params via task constructor):

AsyncTaskTools.execute( new MyAsyncTask(), <your params here> );