Removing a row from an Excel sheet with Apache POI HSSF

 * Remove a row by its index
 * @param sheet a Excel sheet
 * @param rowIndex a 0 based index of removing row
public static void removeRow(HSSFSheet sheet, int rowIndex) {
    int lastRowNum=sheet.getLastRowNum();
        sheet.shiftRows(rowIndex+1,lastRowNum, -1);
        HSSFRow removingRow=sheet.getRow(rowIndex);

I know, this is a 3 year old question, but I had to solve the same problem recently, and I had to do it in C#. And here is the function I'm using with NPOI, .Net 4.0

    public static void DeleteRow(this ISheet sheet, IRow row)
        sheet.RemoveRow(row);   // this only deletes all the cell values

        int rowIndex = row.RowNum;

        int lastRowNum = sheet.LastRowNum;

        if (rowIndex >= 0 && rowIndex < lastRowNum)
            sheet.ShiftRows(rowIndex + 1, lastRowNum, -1);