Default Realm After Login

How can I set the default Realm where I am logged in? Currently I'm in Malygos, where I have no characters. The only Realm where I have played is Alleria.

I've tried to view the config files with Notepad++ to find where the "default Realm" is Malygos, but I didn't find anything.


  • I'm the Only one on this Computer and Account
  • I was recruited (be part Recruit A Friend)
  • SET realmName "Alleria" is in the

Is it possible to set the Default Realm to Alleria and not Malygos even when the Friend recruited me from Malygos?

Edit: I asked Blizzard and the answer to this is correct. You will be always on the Realm where you where recruited. No one can change that! Not even Blizzard!

My wife has had this problem.

I recruited her from Onyxia, but we play together on Ghostlands--the result is that every time she logs in, it defaults to Onyxia.

According to what I read, the only thing you can do about this is wait. Once your RAF time runs out with whoever recruited you, your realm default can be set to whatever you want. But as long as you are still RAF linked, you're going to default to the realm the person was logged into whenever they recruited you.

The default realm is set in the file in the WTF folder (C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF).

You can open the file with WordPad, and edit the following line:

SET realmName "Alleria"