Can monsters naturally spawn on blocks covered by pressure plate?

I'm trying to make a mob farm that uses mobs naturally spawned. I was wondering if a normal monster can spawn directly on pressure plate. This would allow me to crush them right after they appear.

Solution 1:

The answer is a short, simple YES. According to the Minecraft WIKI

While individual mobs can spawn inside signs, pressure plates, and other non-opaque blocks, packs cannot. They need a completely empty block in the center. Since a pack spawns all at one level, there needs to be some air blocks right above a flat surface to allow mobs to spawn on it, and more air blocks will always allow more spawning.

To give you an example of a mob pack, this is it:

enter image description here

Example of a mob pack spawning. The 41×1×41 spawning area is shaded blue (not to scale). The yellow figures represent the actual positions that mobs could spawn in after checking the environment. Note that the mobs can spawn inside torch and ladder blocks. But they can't spawn on top of glass because it's not opaque. The red cube is the center of the pack, which must be an air block, but the blocks above and below it can be anything.