How do I setup virtual networking Xenserver?

Solution 1:

There are a few ways to do this, there are a few ways of doing this..

  1. Storage, I recommend putting both XenServers into a POOL; this can be done by creating a pool and identify both XenServers into the POOL.
  2. Your XenServers + external Storage can be on a TOTALLY diff network then your VMs. This is called dom0, an example would be and for your XenServers with your ISCSI (storage) to be lets say Your VMs can have a TOTALLY diff. network say and so forth. There is no need for any worries in terms of your VMs not being able to see your storage as, storage is being assigned when you create your VMs. By doing this you dont even have to expose your XenServer IP address out AT ALL.
  3. IF you were to run multiple NIC you can also split up your networks as well. Suggested reading would be at the Xen Wiki or even XenServer Network Documentation though the XenServer documentation is 4.1 it works on 5.5 or even 5.6

Hope this helps you as to answer your questions 1. yes its possible read up on the documentation. First rule - RTFM 2. RTFM as well its all there 3. yes its possible, but why would you ever want to overwork yourself when the software is more then capable of handling it, unless you want total management of the VLAN in terms of bandwidth management, IP management ( you catch the drift )

For a more updated way to create vLANS on XenServer5.5 or 5.6 - creating VLANS