Linker errors when trying to install new Google Analytics 3.0 Beta

I had to add both libz.dylib and AdSupport.framework to the build phases to make this go away. Google doesn't include these in their instructions so going to check with them to make sure this is OK then will update this post.

UPDATE: Now you also need to add libsqlite3.0.dylib to get it to work.

I downloaded version 3.06 of the Google Analytics Services for iOS in early April 2014, and STILL ran into the problems referenced above. Google has updated their docs to mention the need to link the libz.dylib and the AdSupport.framework.

SOLUTION: I found through trial and error, I also needed to link the libsqlite3.dylib in order to build on the simulator or to a device.





Google did not update their guide as of 8 Oct 2013.

Google Analytics Guide is here

None of the above solutions worked for me. What did work for me, however, was adding these:




The libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a is a file that can be found in the download for Google Analytics for Mobile Apps iOS SDK v3.

Hope this helps!