What is the proper abbreviation for "version"? (in English and Japanese literature)

Solution 1:

Standard in all languages that use latin letters is (since english is the language of IT):

Product 1.0


MS-DOS 6.2
Windows 3.1
iOS 7.1.1
Safari 5.1.7
Ubuntu 14.04

I have also seen product v1.0, I just can't remember any examples so I guess it's less common. But I cant remember to have seen product ver 1.0 at all. This abbreviation is not very common.

But allowed is everything. There is no norm and no law that tells you how to name different versions of your Product. Here are examples:

Ubuntu Saucy Salamander
Ubuntu Utopic Unicorn

Windows 95
Windows NT
Windows Vista

Office XP
Office 2013

OS X Mountain Lion
OS X Mavericks

Solution 2:

We usually call a new version of product in the same brand or product line ‘バーション1. (II, III) – Product name +Version I, (II, III,) in integer in Japanese. In computer hardware and software models which require frequent revisions or model changes of the product, you may have ‘Version 1.0, 1.2, or 1.3,’ but I don’t think I’ve seen the new version product being indicated with a decimal point (e.g. Version 1.0) in other category products. The word, “version” is often omitted. For instance, Toyota had Mark series in Mark ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii – x.