How do I make my followers leave me?

Solution 1:

There are a few things you can try. If this is a mod follower and you have the creation kit you can try loading the mod file and removing the actor's follower factions, then he won't follow you. And editing morality stats. I had the same problem when I tried to force Delphine to be a follower - she wouldn't leave.

if you don't have creation kit you can open your console and try the following:

Select the follower and type:

setav aggression 1 setav confidence 3

might get him to stop attacking you.

You might try: setav morality 1 or 0

Might make him ignore witnessed crimes.

set playerfollowercount to 0

You can also try (if you can figure out how, sorry I tried a quick search and couldn't find anything) to set the current follower faction (58C4E) ranking to -1.

Alternatively you could try addfac 58c4c (dismissed follower faction).

Also try: disable enable

And this might reset the NPC. I believe there is also a code to completely reset the actor but I can't remember it off the top of my head - but be warned, this resets everything, including their inventory, and they will run around naked for the rest of the game.

A bit long winded but I hope it helps. Cheers.