Adding Bounce Message back to Mail in Yosemite

Does anyone have an updated version of this workflow for adding a Bounce Message feature to Apple Mail in OSX 10.10.3?


on run {input, parameters}
     tell application "Mail"
          repeat with eachMessage in input
               bounce eachMessage
               delete eachMessage
          end repeat
     end tell
end run

I've followed the guide but do not receive a bounced email into my inbox when testing as a sender.

enter image description here

I'm testing this by attempting to send an email from one gmail account to another. Both accounts are Google Apps for Domains accounts.

Solution 1:

I was looking for that nice Bounce command too, but this is what I found after googling around for a while:

The reason the "bounce" function has been removed from OS X is because it does the wrong thing in the most common use case, which is to try to get spammers to remove you from their mailing list by pretending your email does not exist. The problem is that it's trivial to fake the sender of an email, so bouncing spam usually sends the bounce message to an unsuspecting additional victim; and if the same (innocent!) email address is used to fake the sender for a lot of spam, it would get inundated with bounce messages.

And this is why we can't have nice things.

Solution 2:

Apple removed "bounce" from the Mail dictionary. So "bounce eachMessage" does nothing and the only effect is the message being deleted ("delete eachMessage")