I want a vector of derived class pointers as base class pointers

In C++, the vector class stores an array of objects. In this case, I am storing pointers to derived class objects (Dogs). At some point, I want to treat this vector as pointers to objects of the base class (Animals). This is the "right"/non controversial way right? Why can't I do this?

#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class Animal { }; 
class Dog : public Animal { };

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    vector<Dog*> dogs;
    dogs.push_back(new Dog());
    dogs.push_back(new Dog());
    vector<Animal*> animals = dogs; // This doesn't seem to work.

    // This is really what I want to do...
    vector<Animal*> all_animals[] = {dogs, cats, birds};

The error:

Untitled.cpp:11:18: error: no viable conversion from 'vector<class Dog *>' to 'vector<class Animal *>'
    vector<Animal*> animals = dogs;
                    ^         ~~~~
/usr/include/c++/4.2.1/bits/stl_vector.h:231:7: note: candidate constructor not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<Dog *>' to 'const std::vector<Animal *, std::allocator<Animal *> > &' for 1st argument
  vector(const vector& __x)

Solution 1:

There is a copy constructor for a std::vector but it requires you to copy the exact same type of vector. Fortunately, there is another constructor which takes a pair of iterators and adds all the elements in the range, so you can do this:

vector<Animal*> animals(dogs.begin(),dogs.end());

This creates a new vector of Animal pointers by iterating through each Dog pointer. Each Dog pointer is converted to an Animal pointer as it goes.

Here is a more complete example (using C++11):

#include <vector>

struct Animal { };

struct Dog : Animal { };

struct Cat : Animal { };

struct Bird : Animal { };

int main(int,char**)
  Dog dog1, dog2;
  Cat cat1, cat2;
  Bird bird1, bird2;
  std::vector<Dog *> dogs = {&dog1,&dog2};
  std::vector<Cat *> cats = {&cat1,&cat2};
  std::vector<Bird *> birds = {&bird1,&bird2};
  std::vector<std::vector<Animal *>> all_animals = {

Solution 2:

You can do what you really want to do with no problems at all! That is, simply do:

class Animal {
      std::string GetNoise() const = 0;
class Dog : public Animal {
      std::string GetNoise() const { return "Bark!"; }
class Cat : public Animal {
      std::string GetNoise() const { return "Meow"; }
      bool        LikesSleeping() const { return true; }

Dog* d = new Dog;
Cat* c = new Cat;
vector<Animal*> all_animals;
all_animals.push_back(d, c);

// then, later...

// this will print "Bark!"
std::cout << all_animals[0]->GetNoise() std::endl;

// if you know the type somehow
Cat* x = dynamic_cast<Cat*>(all_animals[1]);
const bool y = x->LikesSleeping();

The reason that your code didn't work the way you expect is that: std::vector<Dog*> is a totally different class from std::vector<Animal*>.

In other words, Dog inherits from Animal, yes, but a std::vector<X> does not inherit from std::vector<Y> -- no matter how X and Y are related!

Templates don't give the vector much intelligence; they just define a new class. You can think of it this way:

class vectorOfDogs {
    Dog* myDogs;

class vectorOfAnimals {
    Animal* myAnimals;

Does vectorOfDogs inhert from vectorOfAnimals? Clearly not! But all that's been done is changing the name of the class from std::vector<Dog*> to vectorOfDogs.

Solution 3:

The accepted solution is fine, but has one big drawback: It maintains copies of the contents of the vectors in question. Any time one of the vectors is updated, we need to update the redundant data as well to keep global state consistent. Not being very fond of, decided to try to get around this issue (unfortunately needed to discover that this requires quite some work...):

class AllAnimals
    struct Wrapper
        virtual ~Wrapper() { }
        virtual Animal* begin() = 0;
        virtual Animal* end() = 0;

    template <typename T>
    struct SpecificWrapper : Wrapper
        T& animals;
        SpecificWrapper(T& animals)
                : animals(animals)
        { }
        Animal* begin() override
            return *animals.begin();
        Animal* end() override
            return *animals.end();

    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Wrapper>> wrappers;

    class iterator : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, Animal*>
        friend class AllAnimals;
        decltype(wrappers)::iterator current, end;
        Animal* animal;
        iterator(decltype(current) begin, decltype(end) end)
                : current(begin), end(end)//, animal(nullptr)
            while(current != end && (*current)->begin() == (*current)->end())
            animal = current == end ? nullptr : (*current)->begin();
        bool operator==(iterator const& other)
            return current == other.current && animal == other.animal;
        bool operator!=(iterator const& other)
            return !(*this == other);
        iterator& operator++()
            if(++animal == (*current)->end())
                animal = current == end ? nullptr : (*current)->begin();
            return *this;
        iterator operator++(int)
            iterator i(*this);
            return i;
        Animal* operator*()
            return animal;
        Animal* operator->()
            return animal;

    iterator begin()
        return iterator(wrappers.begin(), wrappers.end());
    iterator end()
        return iterator(wrappers.end(), wrappers.end());

    template <typename T>
    void push_back(std::vector<T*>& v)
        wrappers.emplace_back(new SpecificWrapper<decltype(v)>(v));

I only implemented a forward iterator so far, one could provide further operators to make a bidirectional or even random access one from. Additionally, we might add const iterators, (const) reverse iterators, ...