Mouse clicks stop working sometimes

I am having a serious issue with my mouse in which it will randomly not be able to click or cause other problems. Here is the breakdown:

  • Sometimes, I can no longer left-click on many of my windows/taskbar (in order to focus them). Even though I can still left click on my desktop icons or the currently active window, I cannot focus any of the others.

  • Other times, when I have a browser open, I will hit to go back one page and it will automatically go forward one page.

I know it's a mouse issue because this behavior stops when I unplug the mouse. Things will be fine when I plug the mouse back in, but eventually the behavior starts up again.

My mouse is a Razer Diamondback 3G and I am running Windows 7 Professional 32 bit. Any ideas?

Solution 1:

Yup, it's a mouse issue. Did you drop it or something? How old is it? If it's a mechanical mouse, then it has more chances of getting broken on shocks, because it has more moving parts.

I think you cannot do much. Try cleaning the ball and the rollers (if a mechanical mouse) and the little hole with the light (if optical). Oh yes, also, try using a mouse pad. No matter what you use as the surface, it should be absolutely clean.

If nothing works, replace the mouse. You cannot do anything else.

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Solution 2:

Does the cursor/mousepointer lag behind your mouse movements? If not, then the mouse is working properly and the problem is more likely to be driver-related. Try removing the mouse device from the device manager: press Windows-R to bring up the Run dialog, enter compmgmt.msc and press Enter, navigate to Device Manager, find the mouse device, right-click on it and select Uninstall. You should restart Windows after that. On restart, Windows should re-detect the mouse and re-install and initialize the driver. If that doesn't work, look for a recent driver on the mouse manufacturer's web site and install that.

Solution 3:

Is there any correlation between the applications are you using and the problem occuring?

It could be a rogue app stealing focus.
Try opening task-manager when the problem starts; that will always regain focus (and allow you to select items on the task bar)

Are you using the drivers that came with the Razer Diamondback? Perhaps diagnose further using just the default windows mouse drivers. (Razor drivers are quite fully-featured and complicated and may be masking a problem).