With Rails 4, Model.scoped is deprecated but Model.all can't replace it

Solution 1:

It seems that where(nil) is a real replacement of scoped, which works both on Rails 3 and 4. :(

Solution 2:

On Rails 4.1 (beta 1), the following works:

=> true

So it appears this issue has been fixed, and in 4.1.0 Model.scoped has been removed altogether.

Solution 3:

As mentioned in one of the comments, all is supposed to return a scope according to the docs.

The docs are correct -- it does return an ActiveRecord::Relation, but you have to use a semi-colon if you want to see it in the console:

pry(main)> u = User.all;

pry(main)> u.class

=> ActiveRecord::Relation::ActiveRecord_Relation_User

Solution 4:

In addition to using where(nil) you can also call clone if you know that self is a Relation and get the identical behaviour of calling scoped with no args, sans the deprecation warning.


I am now using this code as a drop in replacement for scoped since I don't like using where(nil) everywhere I need to get hold of the current scope:

     # config/initializers/scoped.rb
     class ActiveRecord::Base
       # do things the modern way and silence Rails 4 deprecation warnings
       def self.scoped(options=nil)
         options ? where(nil).apply_finder_options(options, true) : where(nil)

I don't see why the AR authors couldn't have done something similar since as the OP points out all and scoped do not behave the same.