Is there a good Ambience theme for Xubuntu (XFCE, XFWM)?

I just made a theme that imitate exactly Ambiance theme used in Ubuntu, and built for Xubuntu. Check it out:

I recently stumbled upon the best XFCE/LXDE versions of Ambiance and Radiance I've seen yet, put together by the RAVEfinity team. You can check them out at xfce-look:

For the impatient, they can be installed thusly:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ravefinity-project/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ambiance-xfce-lxde radiance-xfce-lxde

They look great and I haven't run into any of the bugs or oddities I've seen with the other Ambiance/Radiance knockoffs. They also provide some interesting "colored" versions of Ambiance and Radiance (which I haven't tried yet):

have you checked out It has a lot of themes for you to choose from.

A few Ambiance themes are found here:

  • Ambiance Redefined III

  • Ambiance Elegancy

Most of the themes (including those two above) use GTK. You can sort through the KFCE themes on though. Here are some similar to the Ambiance theme, though they aren't the same:

  • Axiom

  • Shiki Colors