How Do I Sync My Sublime Text 3 Settings Using Dropbox?

Solution 1:

I've been syncing my Sublime settings for a while between multiple locations, all running OS X. I've had some minor problems. Finally, I decided to look into it which led me to what I would consider the authoritative description of how to sync Sublime setting between multiple machines using Dropbox:

Sublime Package Control > Docs > Syncing

Here is the basic summary:

To properly sync your installed packages across different machines, you actually do not want to sync the whole Packages/ and Installed Packages/ folders. The reason for this is that some packages have different versions for different operating systems. By syncing the actual package contents across operating systems, you will possibly run into broken packages.

The proper solution is to:

  1. Install Package Control on all machines
  2. Then to sync only the Packages/User/ folder.

This folder contains the Package Control.sublime-settings file, which includes a list of all installed packages. If this file is copied to another machine, the next time Sublime Text is started, Package Control will install the correct version of any missing packages.

To sync the folder, you generally move Packages/User/ into your Dropbox and create a symlink to it from Sublime Text 3/Packages/. Detailed instructions for various operating systems are provided via the link above.

Solution 2:

IMPORTANT: My answer is not correct. Tomek's answer is better

Before you start, close Sublime Text 3

  1. Create a folder in Dropbox called Sublime Text 3

  2. Move the following two folders to this folder.

    ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages
    ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Installed\ Packages
  3. Create symlinks from their original location to their new locations in Dropbox:

    $ ln -s ~/Dropbox/App\ Settings/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Installed Packages ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Installed\ Packages
    $ ln -s ~/Dropbox/App\ Settings/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages
  4. Open Sublime Text 3

Solution 3:

For Linux users using Dropbox

The following is an excerpt taken directly from Sublime Text Package Control DOCS Syncing:

The proper solution is to install Package Control on all machines and then to sync only the Packages/User/ folder. This folder contains the Package Control.sublime-settings file, which includes a list of all installed packages. If this file is copied to another machine, the next time Sublime Text is started, Package Control will install the correct version of any missing packages.

This also sync your preferences.sublime-settings and your macros! Exactly what I wanted for Christmas.


If your Dropbox folder is not in the default location, you'll need to change ~/Dropbox to your location.

1) Close Sublime Text ( Very important! )
2) Open Terminal

Obs: for Sublime Text 2 just change 3 by 2

First Machine

On your first machine, use the following instructions.

cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/
mkdir ~/Dropbox/Sublime
mv User ~/Dropbox/Sublime/
ln -s ~/Dropbox/Sublime/User

Other Machine(s)

On your other machine(s), use the following instructions. These instructions will remove your User/ folder and all contents!

cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/
rm -r User
ln -s ~/Dropbox/Sublime/User
