How to fix 3D Acceleration for Vmware Workstation 9?

I have recently installed Vmware workstation 9 on Ubuntu 12.04 & i have migrated my VM's from windows to Ubuntu 12.04 . Now i am getting openGL error & it says no 3D acceleration as shown in pic below

enter image description here

How Do I Fix It ?

Add the following to the .vmx file of the VM = "TRUE"

Next, install the Mesa-libtxc_dxtn1 (aka the S3 texture compression), this will probably called something be different since you are on Ubuntu and I'm using OpenSUSE 12.2.

Chances are this will crash your VM like it does to mine and only a reboot will fix it. Trying nomodeset from the boot-loader then uses the Nvidia graphics (I think - my CPU usage still rockets with glxspheres) which then WON'T crash your VM.

FYI - I have tried this but I'm afraid 3D acceleration support with Bumblebee is totally shite on Linux.

Installing Intel Driver Fixed Vmware 3D Acceleration

Also install VA-API (Hardware Acceleration For Intel / AMD GPUs) Is there a power saving application similar to Jupiter?

No need to do any tweaks

@Xxx Xxx

I think you're wrong. If your virtual machines works without errors ("Hardware graphics acceleration is not available", "No 3D support is available from the host"), it may be because you have activated the " = TRUE" option in your vmx configuration file. If so, your virtual machines will explode shortly after boot. Try a game and see.

Many have tried the solution you propose and none of them works. Check out this thread:

Moreover, if you see there errors, YOU DO NOT HAVE graphics acceleration active in VMs.

Note: with Bumblebee (optirun vmware) you do not have graphics acceleration.