Minecraft accounts are blended. How can i separate them?

Solution 1:

Minecraft uses a single instance, worlds aren't seperated by account, any person logging in can use any world on that instance.

You can use a tool like http://multimc.org/ to create different instances of Minecraft avoiding this problem (each person logs in to their own instance and has only their own maps).

Solution 2:

By default, Minecraft uses one folder to store the data for all profiles. However, you can change that with the default launcher. (note that "Profile" and "Account" are not the same thing)

Set up a profile for each of them using the "New Profile" button. You can change the game directory for each profile in the "Edit Profile" menu. Setting a different game directory for each profile will separate the save files.

Profile Editor window showing the option to set a custom game directory

Note that this will not separate saves by account, but by launcher profile, which can be selected individually on the bottom right hand corner of the launcher.