Using Wii U on wireless network with username and password

I just moved into college, and the wireless network on campus requires a username and password. When I tried connecting my Wii U to the network, there was no field for username. Am I unable to connect to the network? I then noticed there's no ethernet port on the Wii U. Can I use a USB to Ethernet adapter?

Does the WiiU Setup panel complain that it can't connect? Or does it seem to consider itself connected yet programs will complain that they can't access other sites? That is, the WiiU's Setup page shows a connection between WiiU and 'network device', but then fails between 'network device' and 'internet'?

If the former, I have no ideas. But if the latter, then:

It may be that the wireless network actually lets anybody 'connect', but until you provide a school username-and-password it just responds to every single network request with a login-page. If that's the case, try starting the WiiU's web browser, and see if you can get that login-page. Once the network believes that your wireless-card belongs to an authenticated user, it will start honoring all further requests from it.

(This is a common approach to networks, and this sol'n has nothing to do w/ a Wii U per se, and might apply in any situation where you try to connect with anything besides a browser.)

...Apologies if you already knew/understood all this.