How to best raise your sec status in Eve?

Solution 1:

The best thing to do is go to 0.0 to get the best gains, i've done this many times. You also need to train the 'Fast Talk' skill to get better gains for killing npcs.

Because there is a sec raise timer every time you kill something this means that you can only gain a sec raise every 15 minutes in one system, that is why you move between them.

  1. Find two (or more) joining 0.0 systems with plenty of belts.
  2. Warp to the belts looking for battleships only.
  3. Kill a battleship and LEAVE the other ships. (your sec timer starts)
  4. Move to to adjoining system.
  5. goto 2.
  6. After 15 minutes you can return to the original system to get another sec raise.

Now you're wondering why you kill only battleships and leave the other smaller ships? This is because leaving the others make battleships spawn faster so there is always something to kill or else you can wipe out whole systems of rats before they re-spawn. Also if when doing this you notice that the rats are taking ages to spawn, there will probably be an officer npc spawn which when killed gives very valuable drops.

Doing this method took about a week (5 to 6 hrs a day) to go from -10.0 to -1.8. I did it in a Drake and used about 20,000 heavy missiles.

NOTE: when in 0.0 be on guard, people will try and kill you!

Solution 2:

Your highest sec boost comes from killing a single pirate BS. So what I did to raise my status at one point is to get a set of systems. Warp to a belt, kill 1 BS, jump to the next system, kill 1 BS, etc.

The rather experienced team-mate I was with said the first BS kill in the system nets you the most sec gain. And I think from there the timer resets every so often. So if you get a set of 5 systems and just bounce around them, it's not too bad.

That being said, it's not too much worse to just kill all the rats and get the extra isk as well.

Solution 3:

As others have said best way to do sec stat, at least with concord, is low sec rats. If your'e looking for a safer alternative, lvl4 missions against pirate factions work to a lesser extent, and with enough of them it'll help your status with that faction as well once you get some storylines.