How to insert data using wpdb

Solution 1:

Use $wpdb->insert().

$wpdb->insert('wp_submitted_form', array(
    'name' => 'Kumkum',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'phone' => '3456734567', // ... and so on

Addition from @mastrianni:

$wpdb->insert sanitizes your data for you, unlike $wpdb->query which requires you to sanitize your query with $wpdb->prepare. The difference between the two is $wpdb->query allows you to write your own SQL statement, where $wpdb->insert accepts an array and takes care of sanitizing/sql for you.

Solution 2:

Just use wpdb->insert(tablename, coloumn, format) and wp will prepare that's query

global $wpdb;
$wpdb->insert("wp_submitted_form", array(
   "name" => $name,
   "email" => $email,
   "phone" => $phone,
   "country" => $country,
   "course" => $course,
   "message" => $message,
   "datesent" => $now ,

Solution 3:

Try this

I recently leaned about $wpdb->prepare HERE and added into our Free Class Booking plugin, plugin approved on and will live soon:

global $wpdb;
$tablename = $wpdb->prefix . "submitted_form";

$name     = "Kumkum"; //string value use: %s
$email    = "[email protected]"; //string value use: %s
$phone    = "3456734567"; //numeric value use: %d
$country  = "India"; //string value use: %s
$course   = "Database"; //string value use: %s
$message  = "hello i want to read db"; //string value use: %s
$now      = new DateTime(); //string value use: %s
$datesent = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //string value use: %s

$sql = $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO `$tablename` (`name`, `email`, `phone`, `country`, `course`, `message`, `datesent`) values (%s, %s, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s)", $name, $email, $phone, $country, $course, $message, $datesent);


Thanks -Frank

Solution 4:

The recommended way (as noted in codex):

$wpdb->insert( $table_name, array('column_name_1'=>'hello', 'other'=> 123), array( '%s', '%d' ) );

So, you'd better to sanitize values - ALWAYS CONSIDER THE SECURITY.

Solution 5:

You have to check your quotes properly,

$sql = $wpdb->prepare(
    "INSERT INTO `wp_submitted_form`      
 values ($name, $email, $phone, $country, $course, $message, $datesent)");

OR you can use like,

$sql = "INSERT INTO `wp_submitted_form`
   values ($name, $email, $phone, $country, $course, $message, $datesent)";

