I have been looking everywhere trying to find out how to convert an angle in radians (expressed as -Pi to Pi) to a heading vector.

The only [x,y] answer I have found is, [cos(angle), sin(angle)] , however, this doesn't work! Or am I missing something?

I just want a vector pointing at a direction of a specified angle, and for it to have a magnitude of 1, such is called a "heading vector" I believe. At least it is in the various game code I look at.


A heading vector is a vector with a magnitude of 1 with the start at 0, and the end (the arrowhead) at some value within a unit circle. A heading vector is a way of showing direction as a vector. I want to take an angle and express it as a vector, however, people seem to just be telling me how to do unit conversions.

I appreciate you trying to be helpful, however, hopefully these clarifications will guide others to giving more fitting responses.


Your information is correct.

If you have an angle (A), in radians, in the range -Pi to Pi, then convert it to a vector (V) with:

V.x = cos(A)
V.y = sin(A)

The inverse is A = atan2(V.y, V.x)

If it doesn't work in your games code you should be looking for a typing error, or other silly little bug. Its not the maths.

To convert radians to degrees, you multiply by $\frac {180}{\pi}$. The standard positions for angles and headings are different, as The Chaz has commented. To go from a regular angle of $\theta$ to a heading, the heading is $\frac {\pi}2 - \theta$ in radians or $90^\circ -\theta$ in degrees.