How to pronounce ‘TH’ when it comes right after [s] sound?

It feels like impossible to pronounce something like [sð] (e.g. ‘it's there’). I have heard a lot of natives pronouncing this conjunction, and every time it sounds a bit different for me, so I can't get what sound(s) exactly I hear.

Would appreciate some examples with IPA transcriptions.

Solution 1:

I think you are asking about timing the change in voicing with the change in place of articulation.

As your tongue moves from s to ð, it gradually slides down along the upper teeth and, once you are in the θ zone, voicing kicks in, giving you a ð sound.

I don't think it's really possible to time voicing and θ perfectly -- you make θ first, and voicing starts right after.

Solution 2:

You link them together. It took me years to notice this but my English improved a lot thanks to that. Native speakers link everything, watch this