Unexpected results when working with very big integers on interpreted languages

Python works:

>>> sum(x for x in xrange(1000000000 + 1))


>>> sum(xrange(1000000000+1))

Python's int auto promotes to a Python long which supports arbitrary precision. It will produce the correct answer on 32 or 64 bit platforms.

This can be seen by raising 2 to a power far greater than the bit width of the platform:

>>> 2**99

You can demonstrate (with Python) that the erroneous values you are getting in PHP is because PHP is promoting to a float when the values are greater than 2**32-1:

>>> int(sum(float(x) for x in xrange(1000000000+1)))

Your Go code uses integer arithmetic with enough bits to give an exact answer. Never touched PHP or Node.js, but from the results I suspect the math is done using floating point numbers and should be thus expected not to be exact for numbers of this magnitude.

The reason is that the value of your integer variable sum exceeds the maximum value. And the sum you get is result of float-point arithmetic which involves rounding off. Since other answers did not mention the exact limits, I decided to post it.

The max integer value for PHP for:

  • 32-bit version is 2147483647
  • 64-bit version is 9223372036854775807

So it means either you are using 32 bit CPU or 32 bit OS or 32 bit compiled version of PHP. It can be found using PHP_INT_MAX. The sum would be calculated correctly if you do it on a 64 bit machine.

The max integer value in JavaScript is 9007199254740992. The largest exact integral value you can work with is 253 (taken from this question). The sum exceeds this limit.

If the integer value does not exceed these limits, then you are good. Otherwise you will have to look for arbitrary precision integer libraries.