Folder/File Name "Truncation" or "Wrapping"

Solution 1:

With me (El Capitan) the following works fine:

defaults write MaximumLabelLines 2; killall Finder

On my oldie iBook-G3, Tiger-OS 10.4.11, it is:

defaults write FXMaximumLabelLines 2; killall Finder

Here's a goodie for "Tigers" who'd like to have icon text to the RIGHT on their desktop, too:

defaults write DesktopViewOptions -dict-add PropertiesLocation rght; killall Finder

(BELOW is: "botm")

Moreover you can define icons' grid spacing on your Tiger's desktop this way:

defaults write FXLabelHorizontalPad [# of pixels]; killall Finder
defaults write FXLabelVerticalPad [# of pixels]; killall Finder

For [# of pixels] insert a number -- try lower ones first (3 - 10) as they add up with lots of icons…