Returning Variables in Functions Python Not Working Right

I have been trying to return a variable in a function in a variable and use it outside of it:

test = 0

def testing():
    test = 1
    return test


But when I run it, the result is 0. How could I fix this problem?

You are messing up a bit the scopes and/or assignment. Try this:

def testing():
    test = 1
    return test

test = testing()

Explanation: The test inside testing is different to the test inside the module. You have to assign it on module-level to get the expected result.

Because you declare test in the function, it is not a global variable, thus, you can not access the variable test you created in the function outside of it as they are different scopes

If you want to return test to a variable, you have to do

result = testing()

Or, you can also add a global statement:

test = 0

def testing():
    global test
    test = 1
    return test


By the way, when doing a conditional statement, you don't need the brackets around the 1==1 :).

Inside the function testing(), you're creating a new variable test, not referring to the one that already exists. If you want to do that, you should use a global statement in the top, as in:

def testing():
    global test

Your test variable inside the function does not have a global scope. So, if you want to store the return value in a variable and output it after that, you can do something like this:

result = testing()