How much burst damage can a miracle rogue do in one turn?

Miracle rogue is still a popular deck, and after playing against two consecutively just now I was wondering just how much burst damage they can do in one round? I was reasonably sure in the second game that I was still in the safe range of health, but I didn't know exactly. I tried to think of the possible combos, and while I know the obvious shadow-stepped Leeroy, I'm not sure I can get all of them right as I have never played this kind of rogue.

So how much damage can a miracle rogue do in one damage, with how many cards and at how much mana? I'm not so much interested in a theoretical, but unlikely maximum, as in the combos that I can realistically expect to face in an actual game.

Note: Leeroy Jenkins has been changed to 5 mana. Since this balance change greatly affects Miracle Rogue's viability and design as a whole, I'll be leaving this answer as a historical tribute to the deck. All information in this answer is no longer applicable!

The main damage cards of Miracle Rogue are Leeroy Jenkins (4 Mana, 6 damage), Eviscerate (2 mana, 4 damage only as second card or later), Cold Blood (1 mana, 4 damage, only after Leeroy) and Shadowstep (2 mana, 6 damage, only after Leeroy). Preparation can be used to play a free Eviscerate or Cold Blood, I will include this option as additional damage in the following list as it's rather unlikely.

I'll split this up by mana, starting at 6 because less is really not that relevant, the fun in miracle rogue really only begins around turn 5 with the Auctioneer. Not including turn 5 itself because all the mana goes into Auctioneer there. Be wary of the Coin!

Note that in most cases, there will be an auctioneer on the field who does 4 additional damage. I won't include this damage in the list because it may or may not actually be there if you get rid of it in time.

6 Mana

  • Leeroy Jenkins + Eviscerate for 10 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + Shadowstep for 12 damage
  • Any of the above + up to 2 of Preparation + Cold Blood for +4 or +8 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + 2x Cold Blood for 14 damage
  • Any of the above + up to 2 of Preparation + Eviscerate for +4 or +8 damage

7 Mana

  • Leeroy Jenkins + Eviscerate + Cold Blood for 14 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + Shadowstep + Cold Blood for 16 damage
  • Any of the above + Preparation + Cold Blood for +4 damage
  • Any of the above + up to 2 of Preparation + Eviscerate for +4 or +8 damage

8 Mana

  • Leeroy Jenkins + 2x Eviscerate for 14 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + Shadowstep + Eviscerate for 16 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + 2x Shadowstep for 18 damage
  • Any of the above + up to 2 of Preparation + Cold Blood for +4 or +8 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + Eviscerate + 2x Cold Blood for 18 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + Shadowstep + 2x Cold Blood for 20 damage
  • Any of the above + up to 2 of Preparation + Eviscerate for +4 or +8 damage

9 Mana

  • Leeroy Jenkins + 2x Eviscerate + Cold Blood for 18 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + Shadowstep + Eviscerate + Cold Blood for 20 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + 2x Shadowstep + Cold Blood for 22 damage
  • Any of the above + Preparation + Cold Blood for +4 damage
  • Any of the above + up to 2 of Preparation + Eviscerate for +4 or +8 damage

10 Mana

  • Leeroy Jenkins + Shadowstep + 2x Eviscerate for 20 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + 2x Eviscerate + 2x Cold Blood for 22 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + 2x Shadowstep + Eviscerate for 22 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + Shadowstep + Eviscerate + 2x Cold Blood for 24 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + 2x Shadowstep + 2x Cold Blood for 26 damage
  • Any of the above + up to 2 of Preparation + Cold Blood for +4 or +8 damage
  • Any of the above + up to 2 of Preparation + Eviscerate for +4 or +8 damage

11 Mana (Coin)

  • Leeroy Jenkins + Shadowstep + 2x Eviscerate + Cold Blood for 24 damage
  • Leeroy Jenkins + 2x Shadowstep + Eviscerate + Cold Blood for 26 damage
  • Any of the above + Preparation + Cold Blood for +4 damage
  • Any of the above + Preparation + Eviscerate for +4 damage

This article has done the maths for Rogue and the other classes, too.

The Rogue class was somehow more limited in this exercise by the card limit than by mana costs. In any case, Leeroy Jenkins (4 mana) played with two Cold Blood (1 mana each), 2 Shadowstep (0 mana each, but 2 mana to return Leeroy Jenkins to the field each time), 2 Preparation (0 mana), and 2 Eviscerate (0 mana after Preparation) yields 34 damage. In arena, the most miracle of Miracle Rogue decks could deal 91 damage (assuming the opponent lives that long) with Gadgetzan Auctioneer (4 mana), 2 Kobold Geomancer (2 mana each), a Bloodmage Thalnos (2 mana), and 13 pairs of Preparation and Eviscerate.

Likelihood of happening in an actual game: the second combination is obviously impossible, while the first seems unlikely given that it takes nine cards to pull off. Then again, never underestimate a Rogue.