Going all the way with Miranda.... is it possible?

I finished the game long time ago, and tried all along to keep Miranda happy hoping she's the One.

I was really disappointed in the end when their relationship was still pretty much vague and they didn't even come close to any action, apart of some empty talk of them being together.

Have I done something wrong? I went for a while for Jack but once it was either her or Miranda, I chose Miranda.

Any ideas or tips are welcome, I might play again just for fun. :)

Solution 1:

Maybe you were 'locked-in' with a different character without realizing it. Here are the dialogue options from the wiki

For a male Shepard, a love interest is "locked in" once you express interest at the following dialogue points:

Jack: "I want to talk about us." To prevent locking-in, say "Never mind".

Tali: "I want to talk about you." at the point where she beckons you toward the drive core. To prevent locking-in, say "So you're not interested?" followed by "I need to think about this."

Miranda: "Can we talk?" at the point where she says "I don't know what this is, if it's just stress, or blowing off steam, or..." you can not opt out; every option results in either becoming locked-in, or the relationship being broken off permanently. Hope you saved before the conversation!

At this point you know that Shepard has successfully 'locked in' that romance.

Shepard can still express an interest in other crew members. However, the new love interest will 'challenge' Shepard's love-triangle and force Shepard to dump the 'locked-in' option in order to be with them. Once a potential relation is at the 'challenge' part, there is no way to express disinterest in them no matter what Shepard choose. However, if Shepard dumps someone who is 'locked in', that romance option will never be available. A romance scene with the 'locked-in' character will be shown when the Normandy SR-2 proceeds through the Omega 4 Relay. Although it is possible to have a sexual encounter with Jack before this, it does not count as a romance.

If Shepard and the love interest survive the suicide mission, it is possible to invite him or her up to the Captain's quarters to either sit with them on the couch, or lie with them on the bed.