Can I redefine a C++ macro then define it back?

As greyfade pointed out, your ___T___ trick doesn't work because the preprocessor is a pretty simple creature. An alternative approach is to use pragma directives:

 // juice includes here
 #pragma push_macro("T")
 #undef T
 // include boost headers here
 #pragma pop_macro("T")

That should work in MSVC++ and GCC has added support for pop_macro and push_macro for compatibility with it. Technically it is implementation-dependent though, but I don't think there's a standard way of temporarily suppressing the definition.

Can you wrap the offending library in another include and trap the #define T inside?


#include "juice.h"
#undef T

#include "JUICE_wrapper.h"    
#include "boost.h"

 rest of code....

I then thought that maybe I could do some circular #define trickery like so:

The C Preprocessor doesn't work this way. Preprocessor symbols aren't defined in the same sense that a symbol is given meaning when, e.g., you define a function.

It might help to think of the preprocessor as a text-replace engine. When a symbol is defined, it's treated as a straight-up text-replace until the end of the file or until it's undefined. Its value is not stored anywhere, and so, can't be copied. Therefore, the only way to restore the definition of T after you've #undefed it is to completely reproduce its value in a new #define later in your code.

The best you can do is to simply not use Boost or petition the developers of JUCE to not use T as a macro. (Or, worst case, fix it yourself by changing the name of the macro.)