What is needed to set up a RemoteApp for Windows 7?

Check out Deploying Personal Virtual Desktops by Using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Step-by-Step Guide.

Good news is you no longer need Windows Server 2008 R2. With RDP 7.0 now released, and if you apply the required updates for Windows Vista SP1 and Windows XP SP3 you can now use RemoteApp to remote and/or virtual machines running Windows Vista or Windows XP.

These machines can be running as virtual machines under VirtualBox or VMWare Worksation/Player, not just under Hyper-V.

It's a bit lengthy, so I've documented how to enable RemoteApp connections in a blog post, http://geekswithblogs.net/twickers/archive/2009/12/18/137048.aspx.

Basically, on the client you have to hand edit the RDP file to set remote application mode and nominate the remote application you wish to run. On the guest/remote system you need to add the relevant registry keys to support that named application and permit access.

Using RDP 7.0 with multi monitor support for RemoteApp has the advantage that the floating application window can be placed on any monitor on your system.