How to pass parameters to css classes

Solution 1:

For anyone stumbling across this in 2018, whilst not fully supported CSS variables now give you the ability to pass a variable directly into your class.

<div class="round" style="--radius: 100%;"></div>
  .round {
    display: block;
    height: 40px;
    width: 40px;
    border: 1px solid #BADA55;
    border-radius: var(--radius);

You can also define root variables and pass them in as well

<div class="round" style="--radius: var(--rad-50);"></div>
  :root {
    --rad-0: 0%;
    --rad-50: 50%;
    --rad-100: 100%;
  .round {
    display: block;
    height: 40px;
    width: 40px;
    border: 1px solid #BADA55;
    border-radius: var(--radius);

This is also scoped to the element as well. If you set the --radius in one element is wont effect another element. Pretty jazzy right!

Solution 2:

You can't define the border radius separate from its value because it's all one property. There's no way to tell an element to have rounded corners "in general" without also specifying how much to round them by.

However, you can do something kind of similar with multiple classes and different properties:


<div class="rounded blue"></div>
<div class="rounded green"></div>


.rounded {
    border-radius: 5px;
.blue {
    background: blue;
.green {
    background: green;

The .rounded class adds the border radius and the .blue and .green classes add the background color.

(I like to name and order the classes such that they read logically, like <div class="large box"></div>, etc.).