Apply CSS to popover in Bootstrap

Solution 1:

The reason appears to be that the javascript is creating brand new elements to display the popover itself. These new elements have different css class names than the original.

Try adding this to your css:

.popover-title {
    color: blue;
    font-size: 15px;
.popover-content {
    color: red;
    font-size: 10px;


Depending on the library version you're using, the names may be different. If the above does not work, try using .popover-header and .popover-body instead.

Solution 2:

The newly created elements have the following hierarchy:

    |_  .popover-title
    |_  .popover-content

Which is injected after the element that triggers the popover (you can specify a specific container for the injected popover by setting the container option, in which case you will set the styles using the element that you passed as container). So to style a popover you can use css like the following example:

<div id="my-container">
  <a href="#" id="popover-trigger">Popover This!</a>

  .popover-title { color: green; }  /* default title color for all popovers */

  #my-container .popover-title { color: red; }  /* specific popover title color */