Merge two data frames while keeping the original row order

I want to merge two data frames keeping the original row order of one of them (df.2 in the example below).

Here are some sample data (all values from class column are defined in both data frames):

df.1 <- data.frame(class = c(1, 2, 3), prob = c(0.5, 0.7, 0.3))
df.2 <- data.frame(object = c('A', 'B', 'D', 'F', 'C'), class = c(2, 1, 2, 3, 1))

If I do:

merge(df.2, df.1)

Output is:

  class object prob
1     1      B  0.5
2     1      C  0.5
3     2      A  0.7
4     2      D  0.7
5     3      F  0.3

If I add sort = FALSE:

merge(df.2, df.1, sort = F)                                                        

Result is:

  class object prob
1     2      A  0.7
2     2      D  0.7
3     1      B  0.5
4     1      C  0.5
5     3      F  0.3

But what I would like is:

  class object prob
1     2      A  0.7
2     1      B  0.5
3     2      D  0.7
4     3      F  0.3    
5     1      C  0.5

Solution 1:

You just need to create a variable which gives the row number in df.2. Then, once you have merged your data, you sort the new data set according to this variable. Here is an example :

df.1<-data.frame(class=c(1,2,3), prob=c(0.5,0.7,0.3))
df.2<-data.frame(object=c('A','B','D','F','C'), class=c(2,1,2,3,1))
df.2$id  <- 1:nrow(df.2)
out  <- merge(df.2,df.1, by = "class")
out[order(out$id), ]

Solution 2:

Check out the join function in the plyr package. It's like merge, but it allows you to keep the row order of one of the data sets. Overall, it's more flexible than merge.

Using your example data, we would use join like this:

> join(df.2,df.1)
Joining by: class
  object class prob
1      A     2  0.7
2      B     1  0.5
3      D     2  0.7
4      F     3  0.3
5      C     1  0.5

Here are a couple of links describing fixes to the merge function for keeping the row order: