Can't write to Linux NFS share from OSX client

Rather than assign all files to uid 1000, assign all files to your uid on the Mac (run id -u in a terminal to see your uid). While you're at it, do the same for the gid (id -g).

this is what worked for me on MacOS 11.1 BigSur (nfs client), running Ubuntu 20.04 inside VirtualBox VM, using the 'host-only' network for direct connection to the vm. Presumably this would work between two physical machines.

*** note the vm has no firewall enabled because it is a host-only vm running inside my mac. Obviously you need to have ports open on the firewall on the server normally for this.

Macbook (client) is Ubuntu VM (server) is

Edit /etc/exports on server:


*** remember to run exportfs -a after editing the /etc/exports file, before running mount over on the mac client.

** id 1000 and gid 1000 is the 'don' user on the ubuntu vm

On the mac:

sudo mount -o resvport,rw -t nfs /Users/don/ubuntudevnfs


sudo umount -t nfs /Users/don/ubuntudevnfs 

resvport on the mac (client) side negates the need for insecure on the server side export.

UID/GID 1000 is the 'don' user on the server, as seen from the mac client: sample text file created on mac client terminal

How it looks on the server: view of /home/don via ssh into the ubuntu vm