Use Retina resolution in Microsoft Remote Desktop

Solution 1:

Click the Pencil [edit] Icon at the top of the main RDC window & set a higher remote screen resolution.
'Native' might be as good as it will let you have.

Scale content might not be good on a Retina screen - but it might appear quite small without it checked.

enter image description here

I have a feeling, which I'm unable to test, that it may be related to the maximum resolution of the remote machine's graphics, not the local - as you can always set the local machine to scale the remote's resolution to fit the local screen - e.g. for dual monitor remote, single monitor local.

Solution 2:

I'm using "Microsoft Remote Desktop BETA" 10.2.3 which has an option for retina display:

  1. right click the remote desktop connection > edit
  2. display > check "optimize for retina displays"
  3. Disconnect/reconnect to the machine. In my case I had to also reboot the remote machine but that may have been specific to my setup.

enter image description here

The windows 10 machine I remote into looks much better once I toggle this on.


Solution 3:

Microsoft Remote Desktop doesn't support Retina throughput and scales the content by changing the resolution that is advertised. You can change this by setting the resolution of your display to a non-HiDPI resolution, such as literal 2880x1800, however everything will appear tiny unless you are able to directly set the HiDPI setting on the server which you are connecting to.