'UserControl' constructor with parameters in C#

Solution 1:

Design decisions made regarding the way Windows Forms works more or less preclude parameterized .ctors for windows forms components. You can use them, but when you do you're stepping outside the generally approved mechanisms. Rather, Windows Forms prefers initialization of values via properties. This is a valid design technique, if not widely used.

This has some benefits, though.

  1. Ease of use for clients. Client code doesn't need to track down a bunch of data, it can immediately create something and just see it with sensible (if uninteresting) results.
  2. Ease of use for the designer. Designer code is clearer and easier to parse in general.
  3. Discourages unusual data dependencies within a single component. (Though even microsoft blew this one with the SplitContainer)

There's a lot of support in forms for working properly with the designer in this technique also. Things like DefaultValueAttribute, DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute, and BrowsableAttribute give you the opportunity to provide a rich client experience with minimal effort.

(This isn't the only compromise that was made for client experience in windows forms. Abstract base class components can get hairy too.)

I'd suggest sticking with a parameterless constructor and working within the windows forms design principles. If there are real preconditions that your UserControl must enforce, encapsulate them in another class and then assign an instance of that class to your control via a property. This will give a bit better separation of concern as well.

Solution 2:

There are two competing paradigms for designing classes:

  1. Use parameterless constructors and set a bunch of properties afterwards
  2. Use parameterized constructors to set properties in the constructor

The Visual Studio Windows Forms Designer forces you to provide a parameterless constuctor on controls in order to work properly. Actually, it only requires a parameterless constructor in order to instantiate controls, but not to design them (the designer will actually parse the InitializeComponent method while designing a control). This means that you can use the designer to design a form or user control without a parameterless constructor, but you cannot design another control to use that control because the designer will fail to instantiate it.

If you don't intend to programmatically instantiate your controls (i.e. build your UI "by hand"), then don't worry about creating parameterized constructors, since they won't be used. Even if you are going to programmatically instantiate your controls, you may want to provide a parameterless constructor so they can still be used in the designer if need be.

Regardless of which paradigm you use, it is also generally a good idea to put lengthy initialization code in the OnLoad() method, especially since the DesignMode property will work at load time, but not work in the constructor.

Solution 3:

I would recommend

public partial class MyUserControl : UserControl
    private int _parm1;
    private string _parm2;

    private MyUserControl()

    public MyUserControl(int parm1, string parm2) : this()
        _parm1 = parm1;
        _parm2 = parm2;

As this way the base constructor is always called first and any references to components are valid.

You could then overload the public ctor if need be, ensuring the control is always instantiated with the correct values.

Either way, you ensure that the parameterless ctor is never called.

I haven't tested this so if it falls over I apologise!

Solution 4:

This is unfortunately a design issue that will occur frequently, not just in the control space.

There are often situations where you need to have a parameterless constructor, even though a parameterless constructor is not ideal. For example, many value types, IMO, would be better off without parameterless constructors, but it's impossible to create one that works that way.

In these situations, you have to just design the control/component in the best manner possible. Using reasonable (and preferably the most common) default parameters can help dramatically, since you can at least (hopefully) initialize the component with a good value.

Also, try to design the component in a way that you can change these properties after the component is generated. With Windows Forms components, this is typically fine, since you can pretty much do anything until load time safely.

Again, I agree - this isn't ideal, but it's just something we have to live with and work around.