Grant admin rights to a certain program for all users?

Your best bet is to figure out which registry keys and directory locations that the program needs access to, and give your users access to just those areas.

You can use a tool, like Process Monitor from Sysinternals for that. Simply log in as the user, start Process Monitor, and run the program and make note of the areas denying access.

I would probably use a Security Group in AD, and then give that Security Group access to those system locations. All you would have to do then is add users to that Security Group and they will be able to use that program on that system with their own credentials.

Definitely use Cypher's suggestion. I've solved many pesky application issues by granting a user modify rights to specific install directories via security groups (and if needed reg keys). Unfortunately this assumes a half way competent programmer wrote the app and there aren't one or two files in c:\windows or c:\windows\system32 that needs the same access.

Thanks for the answers, this is how I ended up solving it:

  1. Create a Scheduled Task in the task scheduler. The scheduled task launches the application. Set the task to run at highest privilege level.
  2. Create a shortcut on the desktop of all the users needing to run the application. The shortcut ended up looking like this: C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe /run /tn "Name of task"

The only downside of this is that i need to create a separate task for every user, but I think it works just fine.

Thanks everyone.