How to configure Conditional Mapping in AutoMapper?

Solution 1:

Try this

 Mapper.CreateMap<Source, Target>()
        .ForMember(dest => dest.Value, 
                   opt => opt.MapFrom
                   (src => src.Value1.StartsWith("A") ? src.Value1 : src.Value2));

Condition option is used to add conditions to properties that must be met before that property will be mapped and MapFrom option is used to perform custom source/destination member mappings.

Solution 2:

AutoMapper allows adding conditions to properties that must be met before that property will be mapped.

      .ForMember(t => t.Value, opt => 
                opt.PreCondition(s => s.Value1.StartsWith("A"));
                opt.MapFrom(s => s.Value1);

Solution 3:

With the conditional mapping you only can configure when the mapping should executed for the specified destination property.

So it means you can't define two mappings with different conditions for the same destination property.

If you have a condition like "if condition is true then use PropertyA else use PropertyB" then you should do it like "Tejal" wrote:

opt.MapFrom(src => src.Value1.StartsWith("A") ? src.Value1 : src.Value2)