Getting "CHECKOUT can only be performed on a version resource" when trying to commit using Eclipse subversive plugin

Cleaning up worked for me:

right click on the project -> team -> cleanup / refresh

This is most likely your console svn version is different to your Eclipse "SVNKIT (Pure Java)" version, you can change Preferences=>Team=>SVN=>SVN interface=>Client using "JavaHL (JNI)"

My case is as below, using Java HL 1.7.10 is ok, but using SVNKIt v1.7.9 will have the problem

wuliang-Mac:src wwu$ svn --version
svn, version 1.7.10 (r1485443)
compiled Jul  9 2013, 12:55:03

enter image description here

As I commented in other post...

For those that project -> team -> cleanup doesn't work in eclipse try:

  • Force the cleanup using SVN Tortoise
  • From terminal with command svn cleanup /folder_to_cleanup

There is bug reported in SVNKit with the same error.

In my case, project -> team -> cleanup / refresh worked for one of the files but not the other. Simply copy the command that failed from svn console on eclipse and run it in console with "svn" prefix works for me. So the syntax is:

svn commit -m "comment" -N /path/to/file