Solution 1:

In my case, the controller was defined as:

    public class DocumentAPI : ApiController

Changing it to the following worked!

    public class DocumentAPIController : ApiController

The class name has to end with Controller!

Edit: As @Corey Alix has suggested, please make sure that the controller has a public access modifier; non-public controllers are ignored by the route handler!

Solution 2:

In my case after spending almost 30 minutes trying to fix the problem, I found what was causing it:

My route defined in WebApiConfig.cs was like this:

    name: "ControllersApi",
    routeTemplate: "{controller}/{action}"

and it should be like this:

    name: "ControllersApi",
     routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

as you see it was interfering with the standard route defined in RouteConfig.cs.

Solution 3:

In my case I was using Web API and I did not have the public defined for my controller class.

Things to check for Web API:

  • Controller Class is declares as public
  • Controller Class implements ApiController : ApiController
  • Controller Class name needs to end in Controller
  • Check that your url has the /api/ prefix. eg. 'host:port/api/{controller}/{actionMethod}'