$watch inside a service?

Solution 1:

You can add any expression to the set of watches by injecting the $rootScope and using a function a first argument to the $watch method. Pseudo-code:

$rootScope.$watch(function() {
  return //value to be watched;
}, function watchCallback(newValue, oldValue) {
  //react on value change here

Don't forget about the third, Boolean argument to the $watch method. You need to specify true if you want to deep-watch an entire object for changes.

Solution 2:

services by their very nature are like classes and house methods. You can set up a method which you call from your controller who's argument is the scope and applies a watch expression:

    this.listen = function($scope) {
        $scope.$watch(function(){return someScopeValue},function(){

//your controller

function myCtrl($scope,myservice) {
    $scope.listen = function() {

    //call your method

update: If you are trying to watch a private local variable inside of a service, see the accepted answer using $rootScope. If you are trying to $watch a $scope variable within a local scope than the above is your best bet. They are achieving two very different things.