How to show line number when executing bash script

I have a test script which has a lot of commands and will generate lots of output, I use set -x or set -v and set -e, so the script would stop when error occurs. However, it's still rather difficult for me to locate which line did the execution stop in order to locate the problem. Is there a method which can output the line number of the script before each line is executed? Or output the line number before the command exhibition generated by set -x? Or any method which can deal with my script line location problem would be a great help. Thanks.

Solution 1:

You mention that you're already using -x. The variable PS4 denotes the value is the prompt printed before the command line is echoed when the -x option is set and defaults to : followed by space.

You can change PS4 to emit the LINENO (The line number in the script or shell function currently executing).

For example, if your script reads:

$ cat script
echo ${foo}
echo $((2 + 2))

Executing it thus would print line numbers:

$ PS4='Line ${LINENO}: ' bash -x script
Line 1: foo=10
Line 2: echo 10
Line 3: echo 4
4 gives the ultimate PS4 that would output everything you will possibly need for tracing:

export PS4='+(${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'

Solution 2:

In Bash, $LINENO contains the line number where the script currently executing.

If you need to know the line number where the function was called, try $BASH_LINENO. Note that this variable is an array.

For example:


function log() {
    echo "LINENO: ${LINENO}"
    echo "BASH_LINENO: ${BASH_LINENO[*]}"

function foo() {
    log "$@"

foo "$@"

See here for details of Bash variables.

Solution 3:

Workaround for shells without LINENO

In a fairly sophisticated script I wouldn't like to see all line numbers; rather I would like to be in control of the output.

Define a function

echo_line_no () {
    grep -n "$1" $0 |  sed "s/echo_line_no//" 
    # grep the line(s) containing input $1 with line numbers
    # replace the function name with nothing 
} # echo_line_no

Use it with quotes like

echo_line_no "this is a simple comment with a line number"

Output is

16   "this is a simple comment with a line number"

if the number of this line in the source file is 16.

This basically answers the question How to show line number when executing bash script for users of ash or other shells without LINENO.

Anything more to add?

Sure. Why do you need this? How do you work with this? What can you do with this? Is this simple approach really sufficient or useful? Why do you want to tinker with this at all?

Want to know more? Read reflections on debugging