How to control Sass Variable with javascript

I have a Sass file which is generating a CSS file. I have used many variables in my sass file for background color, font-size, now I want to control my all variables through JavaScript.

For example, in style.sass we have

$bg : #000;
$font-size: 12px;

How can I change these values from JavaScript?

You can't. SASS is a CSS preprocessor, which means that all SASS specific information disapears when you compile it to CSS.


:root {
  subTitleLeftMargin: 1.5vw;

.element {
  margin-left: var(--subTitleLeftMargin);

JS or TS"--subTitleLeftMargin", "6vw");

I also needed this functionality, here's what worked for me:

With JS you can set a class to body, ex. .blue or .default Now create a set of rules to extend from, which you'd like to set:

.default .themeColor {
  color: 'red';
.blue .themeColor {
  color: 'blue';

Now instead of having color: $someColor in your scss file, use it like this:

.someClass {
   @extend .themeColor;

Now, if your body will have the default class, the color inside someClass will be red, and if body will have the blue class the color will be blue.