What hero abilities can kill illusion heroes instantly (or close to instakilling)?

My question is similar to this one, except that I'm looking for heroes with skills that can kill illusions easily without physical/AoE damage.

I played a game where opposite team had both Naga Siren and Chaos Knight. I don't really remember what I was playing or who my teammates were playing as, but I remember we got crushed badly. I know AoE heroes that do mass damage can take care of illusions decently (Sven), or a hero with massive Aoe spell damage would do too (CM, SK).

However, are there any heroes who can naturally kill illusions almost instantly? Also, do these skills make that hero worthy as a counter-draft, or is the better strategy just to stick with AoE damage?

Ones that I know of:

  • Medusa - Stone Gaze, if petrified successfully, all petrified illusions die immediately
  • Disruptor - Glimpse, will instakill a single illusion

Abilities that can one shot illusions :

  • Hexes from Lion, Shadow Shaman (or Scythe of Vyse) : instakill
  • Mana Drain from Lion : illusion automatically dies after 0.25 sec
  • Life Drain from Pugna : illusion dies after the first tick of damage
  • Glimpse from Disruptor : instakill illusion
  • Stone Gaze from Medusa : instakill any successfully petrified illusion
  • Purge from Diffusal Blade (not hero ability but could be usefull versus Morphling) : instakill

As far as I know those are the only that exists.