How do people who recently bought a Macbook Pro get the free upgrade to Lion?

When I bought my Macbook Pro I was told that when Lion came out I could get the upgrade for free. How do I go about doing this? I've searched the website extensively and can't find information on this.

Solution 1:

The Lion up to date program is public. It currently says the deadline to ask for a free copy is August 19, 2011 and macs purchased on or after June 6, 2011 are eligible.

Otherwise, Mac OS X 10.7 Lion will cost you $29.99, and is available on the Mac App Store (link). You can also go to an Apple store to download it (if you have a slow connection), and Apple will be making a version on a USB thumb drive available for $70. (More info here.)

Solution 2:

To answer the more general question as to what Apples policy is for software updates for Macs purchased in the run up to a major release: Historically, Apples 'Up-to-Date' programs for free or heavily discounted upgrades have been offered to those who have purchased a new Mac within 2 weeks (i.e. the duration of the standard return policy) of a major OS update. This is primarily done to prevent those users from simply returning and rebuying the machine on launch day. Additionally, at times, Apple has announced up to date availiability for everyone who has purchased a machine between the announcement of a specific release date and that release date. This is fairly uncommon however, and if they do so for Lion, you'll hear about it.