How to redirect single audio channels to different devices?

I just bought a bluetooth stereo speaker and I had an idea:

Is it possible to build a 4.0 audio system using my Bluetooth speakers as rear speaker and two normal cabled stereo speakers (or another pair of bluetooth speakers) as front? Which program I have to use?

In general: is it possible to split a 4.0 or 5.1 signal in the single channels and send them to multiple devices?

Solution 1:

You can use a package called Jack. What it lets you do is pipe the outputs from the source, into whatever channels on whatever devices you want.

sudo apt-get jack2d jack-tools qjackctl

jack2d: is the more recent version of Jack

jack-tools: more stuff for jack

qjackctl: GUI

After installation use qjackctl to pull up the GUI.

Examples of things you can do with jack;

  • Pipe audio from one source to all devices for synced audio.
  • Send the Left channel to both channels of a pair of speakers, and the right to a different pair

The possibilities are pretty endless. Here is a picture from the help page for Jack

On the left, you can see your output sources, and on the right are the devices you can output to.

enter image description here

Here is a picture of 3 LR audio sources where 2 of them are pipe to 1 speaker,

and the other source to the other speaker. enter image description here

Solution 2:

strictly speaking no. a single sound card processes the data synch's all the channels and makes front left x% stronger and rear right x% weaker so that the explosion on the front left of the screen sounds right. or the reverse when a jet flies over from the rear.

you can make a psudo setup but if you want good sound get a proper card and speakers. a well equiped and setup system can sound amaizing. I got an omega sound card for the wifes pc because she watches a lot of dvd's even on the cheezy speakers we have it sounds decent. when I got that omega I was quite suprised how much a difference a good sound card makes. I was used to the creative labs audigy.