What creative sysadmin resumes have you seen / made? [closed]

Upon an job advertisement's request, I'm brainstorming creative ways to present a sysadmin resume, and thought I'd augment my own ideas by seeking examples. What creative ways have you seen a resume formatted?

Also, If you're a hiring manager, did it impress you? Do you feel HR is more likely to screen them out?

Solution 1:

I'd put focus on your experience and achievements. Who you worked for and how did proved your worth to them. I don't consider qualifications to be a great turning point, they're all theory rather than practical, experience far outweighs them in my view.

Solution 2:

When I'm looking though CVs/Resumes/Whatever, I'm not interested in how 'cute' or clever you can format a document, instead I'm trying to solve a problem.

If you can't clearly and concisely demonstrate why you can solve the problem I have better than the other applicants then I'll put your application in the reject pile.

Don't be 'clever', just try to understand the problem the people doing the hiring are trying to solve and then make sure everything you send them is geared towards making it very easy for them to understand how well you can help them solve that problem.

Boring but effective.

Solution 3:

I think this guy pretty much nailed manpage as resume.