Unknown version of Tomcat was specified in Eclipse

I want to add latest tomcat-7.0.42 in my eclipse. Probably eclipse tomcat server adapter 7 only supports tomcat version upto 7.0.12 ..

enter image description here

So please help me how can I configure my eclipse with tomcat-7.0.42

You are specifying tomcat source directory.

You need to specify tomcat binary installation root directory, also known as CATALINA_HOME.

Usually, this is where you untar apache-tomcat-7.0.42.tar.gz file.

This happened to me because Tomcat was still in the process of downloading (Download and Install). The message disappeared after a few minutes.

The eclipse window should really have some type of progress indicator showing download status.

For LINUX the installation directory for Tomcat 7 is: /usr/share/tomcat7

Please use this configuration.

More here: http://gridlab.dimes.unical.it/lackovic/eclipse-tomcat-ubuntu-jersey/

To recognise your Tomcat installation folder, Eclipse is scanning for the following files:


so make sure you're pointing to the right place and have the right read permissions.


  • OS X (if installed via brew), it's: /usr/local/opt/tomcat/libexec
  • Linux/Ubuntu: see: Tomcat and Eclipse Integration Error

I got the same error and resolved it by giving enough permissions to the folder. I gave full permissions by (you can try limited permissions which is enough for eclipse to run tomcat)

sudo chmod -R 777 apache-tomcat-8.5.33/

FYI, I encountered this error on my mac, but I think it should be same for ubuntu system too.