Confusion between C++ and OpenGL matrix order (row-major vs column-major)

Solution 1:

matrix notation used in opengl documentation does not describe in-memory layout for OpenGL matrices

If think it'll be easier if you drop/forget about the entire "row/column-major" thing. That's because in addition to row/column major, the programmer can also decide how he would want to lay out the matrix in the memory (whether adjacent elements form rows or columns), in addition to the notation, which adds to confusion.

OpenGL matrices have same memory layout as directx matrices.

x.x x.y x.z 0
y.x y.y y.z 0
z.x z.y z.z 0
p.x p.y p.z 1


{ x.x x.y x.z 0 y.x y.y y.z 0 z.x z.y z.z 0 p.x p.y p.z 1 }
  • x, y, z are 3-component vectors describing the matrix coordinate system (local coordinate system within relative to the global coordinate system).

  • p is a 3-component vector describing the origin of matrix coordinate system.

Which means that the translation matrix should be laid out in memory like this:

{ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, transX, transY, transZ, 1 }.

Leave it at that, and the rest should be easy.

---citation from old opengl faq--

9.005 Are OpenGL matrices column-major or row-major?

For programming purposes, OpenGL matrices are 16-value arrays with base vectors laid out contiguously in memory. The translation components occupy the 13th, 14th, and 15th elements of the 16-element matrix, where indices are numbered from 1 to 16 as described in section 2.11.2 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification.

Column-major versus row-major is purely a notational convention. Note that post-multiplying with column-major matrices produces the same result as pre-multiplying with row-major matrices. The OpenGL Specification and the OpenGL Reference Manual both use column-major notation. You can use any notation, as long as it's clearly stated.

Sadly, the use of column-major format in the spec and blue book has resulted in endless confusion in the OpenGL programming community. Column-major notation suggests that matrices are not laid out in memory as a programmer would expect.

Solution 2:

To summarize the answers by SigTerm and dsharlet: The usual way to transform a vector in GLSL is to left-multiply the vector by the transformation matrix:

mat4 T; vec4 v; vec4 v_transformed; 
v_transformed = T*v;

In order for that to work, OpenGL expects the memory layout of T to be, as described by SigTerm,

{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, transX, transY, transZ, 1 }

which is also called 'column major'. In your shader code (as indicated by your comments), however, you right-multiplied the vector by the transformation matrix:

v_transformed = v*T;

which only yields the correct result if T is transposed, i.e. has the layout

{ 1, 0, 0, transX, 0, 1, 0, transY, 0, 0, 1, transZ, 0, 0, 0, 1 }

(i.e. 'row major'). Since you already provided the correct layout to your shader, namely row major, it was not necessary to set the transpose flag of glUniform4v.

Solution 3:

You are dealing with two separate issues.

First, your examples are dealing with the memory layout. Your [4][4] array is row major because you've used the convention established by C multi-dimensional arrays to match your linear array.

The second issue is a matter of convention for how you interpret matrices in your program. glUniformMatrix4fv is used to set a shader parameter. Whether your transform is computed for a row vector or column vector transform is a matter of how you use the matrix in your shader code. Because you say you need to use column vectors, I assume your shader code is using the matrix A and a column vector x to compute x' = A x.

I would argue that the documentation of glUniformMatrix is confusing. The description of the transpose parameter is a really roundabout way of just saying that the matrix is transposed or it isn't. OpenGL itself is just transporting that data to your shader, whether you want to transpose it or not is a matter of convention you should establish for your program.

This link has some good further discussion:

Solution 4:

I think that the existing answers here are very unhelpful, and I can see from the comments that people are left feeling confused after reading them, so here is another way of looking at this situation.

As a programmer, if I want to store an array in memory, I cannot store a rectangular grid of numbers, because computer memory doesn't work like that, I have to store the numbers in a linear sequence.

Lets say I have a 2x2 matrix and I initialize it in my code like this:

const matrix = [a, b, c, d];

I can successfully use this matrix in other parts of my code provided I know what each of the array elements represents.

The OpenGL specification defines what each index position represents, and this is all you need to know to construct an array and pass it to OpenGL and have it do what you expect.

The row or column major issue only comes into play when I want to write my matrix in a document that describes my code, because mathematicians write matrixes as rectangular grids of numbers. However this is just a convention, a way of writing things down, and has no impact on the code I write or the arrangement of numbers in memory on my computer. You could easily re-write these mathematics papers using some other notation, and it would work just as well.

For the array above, I have two options for writing this array in my documentation as a rectangular grid:

|a b|  OR  |a c|
|c d|      |b d|

Whichever way I choose to write my documentation, this will have no impact on my code or the order of the numbers in memory on my computer, it's just documentation.

In order for people reading my documentation to know the order that I stored the values in the linear array in my program, I can specify that this is a column major or row major representation of the array as a matrix. If it is in column major order then I should traverse the columns to get the linear arrangement of numbers. If this is a row major representation then I should traverse the rows to get the linear arrangement of numbers.

In general, writing documentation in row major order makes life easier for programmers, because if I want to translate this matrix

|a b c|
|d e f|
|g h i|

into code, I can write it like this:

const matrix = [
  a, b, c
  d, e, f
  g, h, i