Knockout.js v2.3.0 error "You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element"

Solution 1:

You need to remove the bindings before you use applyBindings again:


Solution 2:

Something that can happen as well which throws this exception is the following. Say you have:

ko.applyBindings(myViewModel1, document.getElementById('element1'));
ko.applyBindings(myViewModel2, document.getElementById('element2'));

Now, when both #element1 and #element2 don't exist you'll get the error. The reason is that Knockout's applyBindings falls back on document.body as root element when #element1 and #element2 are not found. Now it tries to apply binding twice on the body...

Not a nice fallback of Knockout if you ask me. I'd rather have a clear error message that the element does not exist in the DOM (yet).