Solve $ 1 + \frac{\sqrt{x+3}}{1+\sqrt{1-x}} = x + \frac{\sqrt{2x+2}}{1+\sqrt{2-2x}} $

Solve for $x \in \mathbb{R}$

$$ 1 + \dfrac{\sqrt{x+3}}{1+\sqrt{1-x}} = x + \dfrac{\sqrt{2x+2}}{1+\sqrt{2-2x}} $$

I tried some substitutions and squaring but that didn't help. I also tried to use inequalities as done in my previous problem, but that too didn't help.

Given : $ 1 + \dfrac{\sqrt{x+3}}{1+\sqrt{1-x}} = x + \dfrac{\sqrt{2x+2}} {1+\sqrt{2-2x}} $

Let $\alpha = x+3 $ ; $\beta = 2x+2$ ; $\left(\beta - \alpha\right) = x-1$

$\implies 1+ \dfrac{\sqrt{\alpha}}{1+\sqrt{4-\alpha}} = x + \dfrac{\sqrt{\beta}} {1+\sqrt{4-\beta}} $

$\implies \alpha + \dfrac{\sqrt{\alpha}}{1+\sqrt{4-\alpha}} = \beta + \dfrac{\sqrt{\beta}} {1+\sqrt{4-\beta}} $

Let $f(x) = x + \dfrac{\sqrt{x}}{1+\sqrt{4-x}}$, the given equation becomes,

$f(\alpha) = f(\beta)$

Note that $f(x)$ is monotonic increasing in its domain,

$\therefore \alpha = \beta$

$\implies x+3 = 2x +2$

$\implies x=\boxed{1}$