How to fight in Prince of Persia Classic?

Solution 1:

No. Just those two buttons, as well as advancing and retreating. It's all about timing those four actions together.

Solution 2:

If it plays the same that the original Prince of Persia (by Jordan Mechner) did, you have five buttons (the exact keys are probably different on an XBox):

  • right
  • left
  • up
  • down
  • action (Shift)

Now, when fighting, Up was for blocking, Action for attack, and Down for sheathing the sword.

While fighting, you could also move closer or further away with Right and Left. Note that when moving close enough, you could switch sides with the enemy; enemy steps back when he is hit, you step back when you are hit. This could be useful e.g. for throwing an enemy into a hole, same height damage rules apply (one storey - no damage, two storeys - one life, higher or spikes - death).

As for fighting tactics, each enemy type (color-coded etc.) fights differently, and I don't recall the tactics any more - note however that each enemy of a certain type fights the same way. You may need to get closer to attack, or lure the enemy away, etc.

By the way: you can't kill everyone that you meet with a sword; be creative.

Solution 3:

I ran into difficulty with the same thing a few months ago. The trick is to think of a button press as queuing an action rather then instantly performing that action.

In modern games we are used to hitting a button and getting a reaction, but because Prince Of Persia Classic was based on the original Prince Of Persia, smooth animations are favored over responsive input.

So my basic advice is, slow down, wait for animations to finish, pay attention to the start of animations, and react with a single precise button press.

Once you get this down the game because substantially easier. I still wasn't able to finish it mind you but I could suddenly get from level 2 to about level 5 without much frustration.